Dealing With Rejection—Tips for handling rejection from women
There’s no way around it. If you put yourself out there (aka actually LIVE your life) you’re gonna get rejected. Deal with it. Ok, that may sound a little harsh…but dealing with rejection is essential for making it in this game.
We all face rejection, and the best of us face it more often than anyone. Wanna know why? Because in order to make any progress—with women and life in general—you have to actually go out there and put your money where your mouth is. Any time we do that we have a chance to get rejected. But here’s the kicker…that’s actually a GOOD thing! It means we’re trying to make progress. Any keyboard warrior can sit behind his computer screen all day spewing worthless crap about what “works” in the real world without ever getting off his fat a** and really putting his ideas to the test. It takes a man to get out there and really try.

I can honestly say that I’ve been rejected by several thousand women. But that’s the only reason I’ve been successful with several HUNDRED. See, there are ways to deal with rejection that can make it sting a little less. And yes, once you adopt the right mindset it does stop stinging.
Most guys let the fear of rejection hold them back from getting the things they want (in this case…LAID!!!). Don’t be that guy. Here are a few tips to help you deal with rejection.
First off, develop an unshakeable sense of self-worth. I know, easier said than done, right? But it’s the best way to deal with rejection in any area of your life. Focus on aspects of your life that build your confidence and make you feel good about yourself. For some it’s martial arts, for others it may be playing music, making art, learning a new language, working out, mountain biking, hiking, surfing, skiing, snowboarding, hunting, fishing…the list is endless.
This is what’s commonly referred to as improving your “inner game”. There’s a ton of information out there on this topic, and it’s something you need to focus on.
Once you have a good sense of self-worth and your inner game is strong, you realize that if she rejects you it’s HER that loses out on the deal. Not you. You are the prize. It’s not your fault she was too dim to see what was right there in front of her face and how lucky she was that you approached her. And, BTW, you’re better to have dodged that one anyway. If she’s too stupid to realize how great you are right from the beginning she was a headache waiting to happen.
The thing to remember when dealing with rejection from women is to always keep your cool. Take it in stride and handle it with style. The way you take rejection shows a lot about you, and can actually make her have second thoughts about what she’s just done. Most guys get all butt-hurt about rejection. If you’re the one who stays cool as a cucumber, thanks her and walks away confidently without looking back, you separate yourself from the pack. You may just find yourself waking up next to her for that one 🙂
And rejection is like anything else: practice makes perfect. Translation: GET OUT THERE AND TRY. Then try again. And again. And again. And…do I really have to keep going with this one?
If one girl disses you, talk to another one. If that one disses you, talk to another one. Rinse and repeat. Each day go back to the drawing board and figure out where you went wrong. Analyze what worked and what didn’t. Then go out armed with that new information and improve upon it. Pretty soon you’ll be going through more Trojans than the king of Sparta.
The bottom line is that even the best pick up guys in the world get shot down. A lot. Doesn’t matter how suave you are, it’s gonna happen. Rich guys, famous guys, buff guys…they all get shot down. They all have issues with dealing with rejection.
Just keep in mind that rejection is inevitable, and that the more you fail the more you’re going to succeed.
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